51 pages 1 hour read

Jodi Picoult

The Book of Two Ways

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2020

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Chapters 9-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 9 Summary: “Land/Egypt”

Dawn is jealous of Anya Dailey, who seems to be a perfect match for Wyatt—she is a wealthy member of the British aristocracy, with a family legacy in Egyptology. Anya and Wyatt began as business partners when Anya agreed to fund Wyatt’s work, and then their relationship became more personal. When he takes Anya to the dig site, he brings Dawn and another team member along. Dawn goes down into the chamber first to prove to Anya that the ladder will hold. Anya asks Dawn to take pictures of her and Wyatt, and Dawn snaps at her when she shows her ignorance of the field.

Dawn is upset. Wyatt confronts her with the fact that she has no right to be, as she is married. In addition, she is the one who disappeared and broke their relationship. He offers to tell Anya everything even though he will lose his funding, but Dawn says no.

That night, she drinks Wyatt’s most expensive bottle of cognac. She asks Wyatt’s student Alberto why he has been so cold to her. He tells her that, from the moment she arrived, he could tell that the project and its funding would be affected by her presence.