44 pages 1 hour read

Yiyun Li

The Book of Goose

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 27-61

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 27 Summary

Agnès recalls a conversation with Fabienne about fear. They agree most people are afraid of death, but that neither of them fears it. Agnès says she’s afraid of being blind. In hindsight, adult Agnès sees that she and Fabienne each had their own blindness, and forming a friendship is what protected them from dangers.

Chapter 28 Summary

Agnès and Fabienne have dinner with Devaux, where he serves them alcohol. When it’s time for Agnès to return to her family, Devaux encourages her to stay longer. Fabienne walks Agnès out to tell her how to deal with Devaux: She wants to get Devaux drunk and then run out of his house screaming, accusing him of trying to undress her. Fabienne says it won’t be a complete lie because he recently tried to touch her chest.

Chapter 29 Summary

Instead of going home, Agnès waits in a nearby shed for Fabienne’s plan. When Fabienne has yet to emerge from Devaux’s house, Agnès starts screaming. Townspeople quickly come to her aid and gather outside Devaux’s house. Fabienne runs out the door, her clothes ripped. Devaux comes out and faces the townspeople.