64 pages 2 hours read

Philip Pullman

The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2017

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Part 2, Chapters 16-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “The Flood”

Part 2, Chapter 16 Summary: “The Pharmacy”

The powerful flood sweeps away Malcolm, Alice, Lyra, and their dæmons. Rain pours in from the open front of the tarp and steadily fills the bottom of the canoe. Malcolm worries that the canoe will capsize in the rushing current, and they dodge dangerous obstacles, like low-hanging branches that scratch Malcolm’s face. They are finally able to tie up to a tree and rest, eating some of the emergency biscuits Malcom had packed earlier.

In the darkness of the canoe, Malcolm is surprised by the return of the spangled rings in his vision. The experience is peaceful but also “strenuous and demanding.” When it is over, he sees that there is still something white in his vision, a business card that he pockets quietly. The inside of the canoe is cold and wet, and Lyra needs to be changed, but they cannot navigate the flooded river in the darkness, so they decide to wait for the morning and then try to make their way home. Secretly, Malcolm worries the current might be too strong for this, but he doesn’t share his fear with Alice. Once he thinks the girl has dozed off, Malcolm reads the card hidden in his pocket.