71 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Blood of Olympus

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2014

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Chapters 45-48

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 45 Summary: “Nico”

Nico summons his zombie chauffeur to bring himself, Leila, and Dakota back to the Roman lines. He’s shocked by the vast number of monsters overwhelming the Roman numbers. After sending Leila and Dakota to cause a distraction, he melts into the shadows to disable the onagers by stealth. He almost dissolves but recovers his strength enough to make it back out.

Nico notices that Octavian is filled with hate and has loaded the onagers with explosives and imperial gold—enough to annihilate everything in the blast zone, monsters and demigods. Nico considers shadow-jumping to Octavian’s tent—where he expects that the Roman leader will wait out the attack on the Greek camp—and assassinating him, but he’s intercepted by Will Solace, who is on a scouting mission. He passes on the news that Hedge’s wife, Mellie, had a satyr baby boy. Realizing that Nico won’t survive another jump, Will forbids him to shadow-travel. They must find another way to stop the Romans. Nico grudgingly agrees and orders the others to follow his lead.

Chapter 46 Summary: “Nico”

Nico and the Camp Half-Blood demigods successfully sabotage three onagers. Nico endangers himself by using his underworld power, and Will offers him medicinal gum to recover his strength.