71 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Blood of Olympus

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2014

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Chapters 37-40

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 37 Summary: “Reyna”

Approaching Camp Half-Blood, Reyna, Nico, and Hedge spot the Romans, their siege weapons, and their monster allies, who vastly outnumber the Romans. Their winged horses land on the helipad of a mortal ship moored off Camp Half-Blood. Reyna thanks Pegasus, who must depart immediately, and through Hedge, the immortal horse tells Reyna that he came for her, moved by her compassion for Scipio. Reyna is surprised to see a black motorboat bearing the legend SPQR rushing toward them since the Romans don’t have a navy. She recognizes Michael Kahale, whom Octavian has sent to arrest her and confiscate the Athena Parthenos. Hoping that she can reason with Michael, she invites him aboard but warns Hedge and Nico to be ready to fight.

Michael, Leila (a daughter of Ceres), and Dakota (a son of Bacchus) half-heartedly try to convince Reyna to come peacefully. Dakota keeps winking at her. Suddenly, they hear Octavian’s voice demanding both drop their weapons. Reyna fears a trick but follows her instinct to obey. Tyson the Cyclops and his girlfriend Ella, the prophetic harpy, climb aboard. Tyson knocks out Michael and swoops Reyna, Nico, and Hedge into his arms.