69 pages 2 hours read

Rick Riordan

The Battle of the Labyrinth

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2008

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Chapters 19-20

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 19 Summary: “The Council Gets Cloven”

The camp has a funeral for fallen campers, and Percy helps treat the wounded. The Council of Cloven Elders calls an emergency meeting. Grover and his friends recount meeting Pan and seeing him die. Many campers verify that Grover used Pan’s panic ability on the battlefield. However, the old satyrs call Grover a liar and refuse to give up the search for Pan. Dionysus finally returns to camp, grieving for his son, Castor, who died in the battle. Unlike the Council, he believes Grover’s tale and calls a vote on Grover’s exile. The elders of the Council vote in favor, but Dionysus and Chiron vote against exiling Grover. The trial comes to a stalemate and dissolves. Grover starts to organize other nature spirits into teams for rebuilding the wilderness.

Percy says goodbye to Briares, who leaves for Poseidon’s underwater forges. At dinner, Nico goes off by himself into the woods, where he says goodbye to Bianca one last time before leaving on a mission to learn about his family. Dionysus thanks Percy for helping to save the camp and gives him advice about the power of kindness.