62 pages 2 hours read

David Baldacci

The 6:20 Man

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

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Chapters 8-16

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary

Devine arrives at his residence, where he keeps a BMW motorcycle, his only lavish expenditure, alongside Tapshaw’s car in the garage. He then sets out for Cowl’s residence, tailing Cowl as he drives his Bugatti into the city.

Chapter 9 Summary

Devine reflects on his rare interaction with Cowl, recalling the time when Cowl welcomed his group of new employees. Cowl’s extravagant spending on custom suits, costing $20,000 each, was well-known. Cowl discussed his humble beginnings with the group, noting his family’s fluctuating fortunes before his college education and subsequent business venture with Anne Comely. Even then, Devine was aware of the hierarchical dynamics within the company, recognizing that only a few from his group would advance, while he and many others would remain stagnant. Following Cowl to their office building, Devine observes Cowl’s exclusive parking spot and private elevator access, taking note as the elevator stops on the 51st floor, not the penthouse as expected.

Chapter 10 Summary

Devine investigates the supply closet where Ewes died. While examining the scene, he overhears the telltale sounds of an intimate encounter and proceeds to capture photographs of Cowl and an employee, Jennifer Stamos, in a compromising situation. Cowl’s casual treatment of Stamos and his competitive ranking of employees is evident.