62 pages 2 hours read

David Baldacci

The 6:20 Man

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

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Chapters 68-77

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 68 Summary

In this pivotal chapter, the plot thickens when Tapshaw reveals Chilton’s withdrawal from a crucial investment. As the narrative unfolds the following morning, passengers on a train witness a grim scene at Cowl’s residence: the retrieval of a body from his pool. Amidst the chaos, Devine’s attempts to reach Montgomery prove futile, culminating in a rushed journey to Cowl’s home. His arrival coincides with the detectives’ presence, and he receives a text from Montgomery revealing that the body in the pool is Chilton.

Chapter 69 Summary

Devine faces the unsettling truth of Chilton’s fate—a violent encounter leading to drowning. Sharing this grim discovery with Montgomery, they ponder the intertwining of the recent deaths with illicit financial activities, considering the possibility of multiple perpetrators behind these sinister events.

Chapter 70 Summary

A mixed reception awaits Montgomery as Valentine’s warmth contrasts with Speers’s animosity, the reason for which Devine withholds. The chapter takes a turn when Montgomery admits to Tapshaw her interactions with the Hummingbird platform and implicates Ewes, leading to a tense revelation as Devine grapples with his memory of the conversation.