61 pages 2 hours read

Thomas Hardy

Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1891

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Parts 2-3

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Maiden No More” - Part 3: “The Rally”

Part 2, Chapter 12 Summary

It is now late October, and Tess is making her way back to her hometown. She has been away from home for four months. Alec catches up to her and chastises Tess for having slipped away in the early morning. He tells her to climb into his cart, and he will drive her and her luggage home. As they drive, Tess laments Alec’s mistreatment of her and rejects his offer to support her financially. Alec concedes that he has not behaved honorably towards Tess and tells her that if she ever needs help, she should reach out to him. He notes that he will likely go to London, as he does not enjoy staying with his mother.

Tess insists on getting out of the cart some distance from her home and going the rest of the way on foot. She parts sadly from Alec, telling him that she does not love him and will never be able to.

On her walk home, Tess encounters a man who offers to help her with the luggage she is carrying. They walk together for some time, but Tess becomes upset when she sees the man stopping to paint messages condemning sin and threatening damnation.