59 pages 1 hour read

George Saunders

Tenth of December

Fiction | Short Story Collection | Adult | Published in 2013

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“My Chivalric Fiasco”

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

“My Chivalric Fiasco” Summary

Ted works at a medieval themed attraction, and on TorchLightNight, he witnesses his boss Don Murray sexually assaulting his coworker Martha. She asks him to keep it a secret from her partner Nate and leaves before he responds.

The next morning, Don Murray summons Ted to his office with Martha. He tells Ted that he’s given Martha $1000, that their sexual intercourse was “voluntary” and that both Martha and Ted are being promoted, which is “coincidental” to the fling. Ted has been a janitor for six years, which he sees as demeaning work, so moving up to the role of Pacing Guard—an actual character in the attraction—is a big step.

Ted lives with his parents and sister Beth, none of whom work due to injury, illness, and shyness. After stopping to pick up their prescriptions, Ted stops by Martha and Nate’s house. When Nate asks what’s going on at work, Ted decides it’s Martha’s decision whether or not to reveal the rape and covers for her emotional distress.

The next morning, Mrs. Bridges explains that Ted will take a pill called KnightLyfe® to help him perform his Pacing Guard role. His job is to pace in front of a door and guard someone playing the King.