58 pages 1 hour read

Gordon Korman


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2008

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Chapters 21-25

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 21 Summary

Chapter 21 begins with the auction house courier as he drives around Cedar Springs trying to find Swindle’s address. He realizes he is in the wrong county and heads toward Cedarville. Meanwhile, Griffin and his team rappel into the bathroom through the skylight. Pitch sprains her ankle during the descent. She cannot climb back up to the skylight, so the team will be trapped in Swindle’s house unless they can think of another way out. Griffin radios Ben for help, but Ben does not reply. They refocus on finding the safe. Savannah finds Luthor, who is acting strangely. 

Chapter 22 Summary

The team finds the safe in the master bedroom. Griffin is equipped with his father’s blowtorch, which he will use to burn through the safe. Opening the doors or windows will set off an alarm, so Melissa goes about trying to disconnect the military-grade security system. It is a delicate process, but she eventually succeeds. She unlocks the front door, giving the team an escape route. Luthor nervously leads Savannah to a closed door, where she realizes Swindle keeps another, bigger guard dog. He barks and bangs against the door, threatening to break it open. Griffin is still working with the blowtorch.