49 pages 1 hour read

Gordon Korman


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2018

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 5-8

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 5 Summary: “Superscuffle, Donovan Curtis”

On Saturday, Kandy has a playdate with his littermate, Marie Curie. Marie is accompanied by Chloe Garfinkle, Marie’s owner, a member of the robotics team, and a full-time student at the Academy. Donovan feels guilty for noticing that Kandy’s sister is smarter and “better-looking.” Meanwhile, Brad walks up and down to keep baby Tina calm while Katie naps upstairs. His “straight as a telephone pole” posture is disturbing Tina (33); on Chloe’s advice, he slouches a little, and Tina immediately settles.

As Chloe worries aloud about Noah joining the cheerleading squad, Beatrice suddenly turns on the sprinklers—a trick she has learned to indicate that she’s thirsty—drenching everyone. Tina starts bawling, Katie wakes up, and Donovan’s mother storms out, assuming Donovan is at fault. On his mother’s orders, Donovan takes Beatrice out for a walk, where he sees Noah practicing in the playground. He then sees Hashtag grab Noah by his shirt. Donovan tackles Hashtag without considering that he is twice in size. Hashtag throws a punch at Donovan, and Beatrice latches onto Hashtag’s arm. Donovan calls Brad.

When Hashtag’s parents show up, they threaten to report Beatrice to animal control despite Donovan’s insistence that Hashtag was the aggressor. Brad also arrives and attempts to calm them down; taking Donovan aside, he tells him that Beatrice bit someone before, so she would likely be put down if Hashtag reports the incident.