35 pages 1 hour read

Walter Dean Myers

Street Love

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2006

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 16-30

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary: “The Mothers”

This chapter alternates between Damien’s mother, Ernestine, and Junice’s mother, Leslie. Ernestine believes Damien is destined for great things, and knows this thought makes him uncomfortable. She worries he will be tempted to stray from his path by someone “lower” than him.

Meanwhile, Leslie believes Junice will remain devoted to her. She notes Junice’s resemblance to her, and how her own life at Junice’s age was more difficult, as she had already given birth. Still, she worries financial difficulties will discourage Junice, and that she will be swayed by false love.

Chapter 17 Summary: “The Fathers”

This chapter alternates between Damien’s father, Avery, and Junice’s father, Arthur. Avery wishes he knew more about Damien’s thoughts, as he often keeps to himself. He worries Ernestine is too hard on him.

Arthur heard Leslie was imprisoned but has no sympathy, insisting she was always eager for money. He tries to recall Junice’s name, but only remembers Leslie’s mother Ruby.

Chapter 18 Summary: “Junice and Melissa”

Anticipating a visit from a social worker, Junice coaches Melissa on how to present their grandmother Ruby as a suitable guardian. Melissa protests, angry that their mother “abandoned” them. Junice pleads until they reach an agreement.