70 pages 2 hours read

Jerry Spinelli


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2000

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Chapter 29-Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 29 Summary

Susan handily wins the speech competition, receiving a shiny silver plate as a trophy. As she, Leo, and Mr. McShane drive home to Mica, Susan anticipates that crowds of teachers, students, and townsfolk will be assembled at the school to honor her. When they arrive, however, the school is empty. In the far parking lot, only two teachers and Dori Dilson wait to welcome Susan home. Dori holds a giant congratulations sign, but Leo can see that she is crying.

Chapter 30 Summary

Susan is stunned at the absence of an adoring mob. By Monday, Susan is gone, and Stargirl is back with her ukulele, long dresses, and happy face cookies for everyone. Leo angrily accuses Stargirl of giving up on being popular and normal. Stargirl, looking happier than she has in a while, agrees. She tells Leo that she knows he will not ask her to the spring dance. When Stargirl and Dori start a musical duo, they are ignored and mocked. Leo knows he should support Stargirl but finds her antics too embarrassing and painful. 

Chapter 31 Summary

The Ocotillo Ball takes place outdoors at the Mica Country Club. Leo does not ask Stargirl to go with him, nor does he go to the ball himself.