78 pages 2 hours read

Stuart Gibbs

Spy School

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2012

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Chapters 11-15

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary: “Alliance”

Ben awakens in a warm and comfortable room in the company of Alexander Hale. He’s surprised to learn that he’s been unconscious the whole day, and that no one thought it was necessary to get him medical care. Alexander offers him Gatorade to drink and explains that this is his “pied-á-terre—for those times when work dictates that I need to be here” (103). Ben suggests that Alexander is there to help find the mole; this surprises Alexander, who is impressed that Ben figured out the truth of the situation on his own. He asks how Ben knew, and Ben lies to conceal Erica’s role in the plot. When he mentions Erica, Alexander seems “slightly thrown” and says that he doesn’t think Erica is ready for this kind of mission yet. Ben asks, “And I am?” (105). Alexander says that Ben is already involved whether he likes it or not.

Alexander makes Ben a frozen pizza and asks who he thinks the mole may be. Ben suggests Chip. Alexander says that Chip could be concealing his cleverness beneath a guise of “appearing not clever at all” (106). When Alexander asks for any other possible suspects, Ben suggests Greg Hauser: “Well, if it’s conceivable that Chip could be playing dumb, then why not one of his goons, who are supposedly even dumber than he is?” (108).