56 pages 1 hour read

Laura Amy Schlitz

Splendors and Glooms

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2012

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Part 2, Chapter 42-Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Ice”

Part 2, Chapter 42 Summary: “The Gatehouse”

Since Cassandra’s collapse, a servant is always at her bedside, and Parsefall fears what Grisini will do when he realizes Parsefall failed to retrieve the phoenix-stone. One day, Lizzie Rose sees Grisini at the gatehouse, and Parsefall confesses his deal with Grisini, who wants Parsefall to steal the phoenix-stone for him. Parsefall shows Lizzie Rose the tower, which she recognizes as a witch’s room. The two of them plan to leave the house and go north to hide. When Parsefall asks how, Lizzie Rose outlines a plan to leave immediately: “we’re in danger here, Parsefall. We shan’t stay here another night” (302).

Part 2, Chapter 43 Summary: “The Maze in the Tower”

Despite their attempts to leave the grounds, Lizzie Rose and Parsefall keep getting turned around back toward the house. Cassandra uses the phoenix-stone to cast a spell on the maze in her tower that keeps the children walking in circles. Finally, they realize what’s wrong and give up, returning to the house.

Cassandra calls for Clara, who tells Cassandra the children left because of Grisini. Enraged, Cassandra summons Grisini, intending to use him to get what she wants.