54 pages 1 hour read

Orhan Pamuk


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2002

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Chapters 26-30

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 26 Summary: “Blue’s Statement to the West”

Ka meets Blue at his hiding place. Blue wants Ka to help him publish a statement condemning the coup in a German newspaper called Frankfurter Rundschau (Ka has claimed to have a contact there named Hans Hansen, though in reality Hansen is simply the man who sold Ka his coat). Ka says that a joint statement with a Kurdish nationalist and an ex-communist would have a far stronger chance of being published. Ka suggests that Turgut Bey, Kadife and İpek’s father, should sign as well. Kadife, who is at the hideout, worries about her father’s safety and accuses Blue of chasing fame. Noting that she herself simply wants a “normal life,” she threatens to remove her headscarf, which she says makes her an anomaly among women of her social class. Blue blames Ka for “sowing doubts” in Kadife’s belief (237).

Chapter 27 Summary: “Ka Urges Turgut Bey to Sign the Statement”

Ka returns to the hotel and goes to the apartment where İpek and her family live. He watches an episode of a popular Mexican soap opera called Marianna with Turgut Bey and İpek. Turgut Bey initially agrees to sign a joint statement with Blue and a Kurdish nationalist for the German newspaper, but İpek tells him it is dangerous to go to the meeting to sign the joint statement, which will take place at a shed on top of the Hotel Asia.