47 pages 1 hour read

Lisa See

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2005

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Chapters 12-13

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3: Rice-and-Salt Days

Chapter 12 Summary: Sons

Snow Flower and Lily both give birth to sons, who are born one month apart. With the birth of her baby, Lily becomes first daughter-in-law in the Lu household. Lily’s mother-in-law forbids her from visiting with Snow Flower, saying, “Your son’s mother cannot associate with a butcher’s wife” (153). Snow Flower informs Lily that, after her marriage, her parents sold the last of their belongings, became beggars, and have run away to avoid their debts.

The correspondence between the two lautongs has become somewhat generic, but Lily observes that this is understandable, as they are both busy with their lives and obligations as new wives. Furthermore, Lily realizes that her nu shu correspondence is not as secret as she had imagined it would be, as the other women in the family know it, and even the men have some understanding of it, even if it the sentiments expressed in the women’s writing is irrelevant to them. Snow Flower’s letters become less formal and more desperate as her unhappiness grow.

Covertly, Lily arranges for Snow Flower to come to her natal home for the “Expel Birds” Festival. When they meet, they see each other’s sons for the first time.