82 pages 2 hours read

Walter Dean Myers


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1996

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Chapters 7-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary

While at home working on his film project, Slam is visited by Mtisha, who wants to know where he was the previous night. She calls out Slam for kissing Kicky and is furious with him, thinking that he’s looking for other girlfriends because she won’t sleep with him. Slam apologizes, not having realized that he and Mtisha were at that level of a relationship. He decides that he will call Mtisha later and apologize to her. He also wants to call Bianca, Ice’s girlfriend, and yell at her for telling Mtisha what he did with Kicky. To get out of his own head, Slam films around the neighborhood, paying a visit to a store called Carl’s Curio Shop. Slam sees a woman there trying to sell something for a dollar but leaves when she is unsuccessful. Carl explains to Slam that the woman used to own a successful tailor shop but then became addicted to crack. Back at home, Slam calls Mtisha’s house, but her mother refuses to put her on the phone, calling him a lowlife.