82 pages 2 hours read

Walter Dean Myers


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1996

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Chapters 14-17

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 14 Summary

Slam goes to Ice’s house, but he’s out, and Ice’s mom talks to Slam, advising him to avoid getting a girl pregnant. When Slam leaves, he finds Ice outside with Willie King, someone from the neighborhood who used to be really good at basketball—in fact, he once went to a camp with the New York Knicks. However, Willie got arrested for drug possession, spent six months in jail at Rikers Island, and was raped while there. Willie is happy to see Slam, but Slam can’t avoid feeling bad knowing what’s become of Willie. Ice is dressed up in a fancy suit and overcoat, and when Slam asks about where he got the clothes, Ice avoids giving him a straight answer. Across the street, a man collapses with an apparent heart attack, and Ice takes charge of the situation and demands someone call 9-1-1. When a young woman says she already called them, Ice takes out a roll of cash, gives her $20, and tells her to do it again. Ice asks if anyone knows CPR, and two men start performing it on the man; Ice rewards them with $20 apiece. Slam is impressed at how Ice commanded the situation, and Ice seems to take pride in the recognition he receives.