106 pages 3 hours read

Gordon Korman


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Chapters 28-33

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 28 Summary: “Chuck Kinsey”

Chuck misses the P.A.G. and his friend group. He and Pavel are still friends, but things are different without Cam. They visit the candy shop where the three of them used to hang out together after school. The storeowner expresses concerns about the freeway exit’s demolition. At school, Pavel and Chuck see Cam occasionally, but they don’t speak. Chuck logs onto his gaming system to check if Cam is online but never catches him. Pavel is still sour that Cam accused him of posting to the webpage. 

The webpage has remained active. It comes online with messages of rising up and regrouping the P.A.G., but it’s then taken down within minutes. Paggers begin checking the page frequently for updates, and word gets around quickly that the P.A.G. is planning something. Finally, the page comes online for a minute saying that the P.A.G. will have a meeting at 3:15. It comes back again calling for paggers to assemble “where it all began” (199). Chuck and Pavel figure out that this means the senior gardening project, away from school administrators. They spread the word.

At the senior garden, hundreds of excited paggers arrive. Xavier lifts Cam up on his shoulders. The crowd becomes excited over Cam’s presence.