106 pages 3 hours read

Gordon Korman


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Chapters 23-27

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 23 Summary: “Cameron Boxer”

Cam is relieved that the P.A.G. is done. He returns to his gaming lifestyle, his parents are still proud of him, and Jennifer and Tony stop harassing him. While practicing for Rule the World with Chuck and Pavel on voice chat, Chuck suddenly leaves the game, declaring that it’s boring. Cam wonders what Chuck’s problem is. Pavel explains that Chuck loved the P.A.G. and accuses Cam of not being aware of how the people around him feel. Pavel explains that the community service performed by the P.A.G. made people feel good and connected to those around them. Pavel adds that he agrees with Chuck. Cam feels like he doesn’t know his friends anymore. He asks about Rule the World. Pavel is still excited for it, but he doesn’t believe it’s that important. Cam abandons the game early and offers the console to Melody. Melody asks if Cam has used a certain hack for the game to get better at it. He asks why she knows about it. Melody explains that she and Katrina are gaming more without the P.A.G., but that they both miss the organization. 

At school, Cam is haunted by the P.A.G. His peers stop him in the hallways to tell him how much they miss the club and what it meant to them.