106 pages 3 hours read

Gordon Korman


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Chapters 17-22

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 17 Summary: “Pavel Dysan”

Furious, Cam confronts Pavel. He thinks Pavel posted the next P.A.G. meeting to the webpage. Pavel understands why Cam believes this since Pavel was the one who hacked the page originally, but Pavel maintains his innocence. Chuck wonders if it was the Friends of Fuzzy, since they’ve been on Cam’s back about dismantling the P.A.G., but Cam says that doesn’t make sense. They have no leads.

That weekend, the P.A.G. is set to pick up garbage at a public park. There are many more volunteers than the last project. Daphne checks everyone in with a sign-in sheet. Audra Klincker is there again, this time with a photographer. 

Cam is greeted with fist bumps and high-fives. Everyone loves him. The group works hard through the day. They manage to clean the park and restore it to a scenic public area. Cam is upset because he’s once again missed out on Rule the World training. Pavel acknowledges that the day wasn’t wasted because they did a good deed and made the public space more beautiful, but Cam is not happy with this outlook.