106 pages 3 hours read

Gordon Korman


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Chapters 1-6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary: “Cameron Boxer”

Cameron Boxer is a 13-year-old highly dedicated gamer. He’s carefully designed his basement to be conducive to his gaming. He’s playing a game in which he fights aliens, and he, along with his teammates Chuck, Pavel, and an online friend named Borje, are locked in an epic battle.

When Cameron’s mom tells him to remove the ziti from the oven in 10 minutes, Cameron agrees without actually listening to her. He is locked in battle with his nemesis, a fellow gamer who goes only by their gamer tag, Evil McKillPeople. Evil McKillPeople has followed and harassed Cameron, Chuck, Pavel, and Borje through multiple games, and Cameron is determined to beat Evil once and for all.

As the battle heats up, Cameron realizes the local fire department is outside. The firefighters break down the front door and storm the basement to rescue Cameron. Cam realizes it’s been about an hour since his mom asked him to remove the ziti. The house did not fully ignite, but the black smoke tarred every wall, ceiling, and surface. 

Because of the front door’s abnormal dimensions, it will take a month to get a replacement. Cameron’s parents warn him that he needs to get involved in something besides video games.