80 pages 2 hours read

Becky Albertalli

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2015

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Chapters 5-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 5 Summary

It is Halloween on a Friday, and Simon is comforted by a good day at school. After school, Abby goes home with Simon. They hang out, eating grilled cheese with Nora and discussing the party that night. After changing into costumes, they go to Garrett’s party with Nick and Leah, where they are offered alcohol. Abby is dressed like Wonder Woman, Simon a dementor, and Leah a character from the Fruits Basket manga.

There is tension between Leah and Abby, and Simon wishes he were at a party for younger kids, or at home with Nora giving out candy. He drinks beer, and while he doesn’t like the taste, it starts to make him feel “happy and hazy” (46). Nick plays songs on his guitar, and Simon thinks about his suspicion that Cal, who is at the party, might be Blue. Martin shows up, and there is alcohol-fueled banter. Abby gets up to dance with Nick, and Martin joins them, too. Simon puts his arm around Leah, who presses her face to his shoulder.

After the party is over, Abby and Simon walk back to his house. Abby tells Simon that she thinks Martin was about to ask her to the homecoming dance, but that she is already going with someone else.