80 pages 2 hours read

Becky Albertalli

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2015

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Chapters 30-35

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 30 Summary

Simon gets home, upset about what happened with Leah. His parents want to talk to him, and he expects it to be about getting drunk. Instead, his father apologizes to him for making gay jokes. Simon tells them that they have made a big deal out of every small change in his life, and he finds that overwhelming. His parents try to explain that they were so taken with him changing as a baby, and they miss knowing all about it. He promises to keep them informed. They give him back his phone and say they’ll give him back his laptop after the play.

The next evening, the night of the play, Simon is nervous. He asks Abby to help him with his eyeliner, and she seems distant. She asks what the situation was with Martin. Simon explains about the blackmail, and Abby is aloof, upset that Simon would involve her when she wasn’t attracted to Martin. He apologizes to Abby. She suggests someone else do his makeup tomorrow.

The play goes well, but afterwards, Simon feels bad about Leah and Abby. He realizes he never even thought about how manipulative he was being to Abby. He also thinks that if Martin told Abby about the blackmail, that probably means Martin isn’t Blue.