80 pages 2 hours read

Becky Albertalli

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2015

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Chapters 20-24

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 20 Summary

Simon sends Blue an email with the subject line “Oh holy nightmare” (168). On Christmas evening, Simon writes that it’s been a hard day, that he is now out as gay to his family, and that he will soon be out to everyone. He asks Blue to distract him by talking about anything going on with him. He suggests Blue give him his phone number so they can text.

Blue says he’s sorry for whatever led Simon to be outed in a way he didn’t expect, and he wishes he could change it. He says he thinks Simon is cute, and that he spends time thinking of Simon's cute personality and turning it into a “viable mental image for daydreams and the like” (170). He isn’t comfortable with texting. Simon responds the day after Christmas and asks Blue to say what he means by “and the like” in the email before (171). Blue responds the same day, and playfully declines to answer the question.

Chapter 21 Summary

The Saturday after Christmas, Simon goes to Waffle House for breakfast with his sisters. Alice recognizes someone she knows there; it is Martin’s older brother. Simon abruptly leaves the restaurant and goes to listen to music in the car.