80 pages 2 hours read

Becky Albertalli

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2015

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Chapters 15-19

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 15 Summary

Simon, Abby, and Martin run lines for the musical together at Waffle House again, and Martin acts goofy. Simon finds him funny, even if he is his blackmailer. Simon realizes that Blue’s emails are becoming as real to him as the rest of his life. As Abby and Simon drive home, Abby comments that Martin is cute, but not her type. Simon feels the urge to come out to her, thinking about how Blue is coming out to his mom that night. He tells her he is gay, realizing “[i]t’s the first time I’ve said those words out loud” (124).

Abby tells him to pull over, comments that he is trembling, and holds his hand. She asks if this is the first time he has told anyone, and he nods. She says she is honored. She isn’t really surprised, even though she didn’t know, either. Abby asks Simon if he plans to tell other people, and Simon says he will eventually. She tells Simon she loves him, and they go to Simon’s house.

Chapter 16 Summary

Blue writes that he successfully came out to his mom, and that she reacted calmly and well. Her main worry was talking to him about safe sex, even after he told her he wasn’t sexually active.