80 pages 2 hours read

Becky Albertalli

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2015

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Chapters 10-14

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary

Simon (signed Jacques) sends Blue another email at 4:15am. Simon writes that he can’t sleep, but he had a very good day, and he’s worried about his grammar in the email and about the quizzes he has the next day. He suggests dating like an old reality TV show where contestants dated in complete darkness.

Blue says that his email was “pretty cute,” and his grammar wasn’t bad (89). He says he hasn’t heard of the show about dating in the dark, not knowing much reality TV, but he says he worries they would recognize each other’s voices.

Simon says he is embarrassed about the late-night email, and he is “totally brain-dead” from lack of sleep (89). Simon explains that his parents make him watch reality TV. He suggests if they go out on a date in the dark, they could use megaphones to disguise their voices, or “just do other things instead of talking” (90).

Chapter 11 Summary

The day after Thanksgiving, Simon hangs out with his family, especially his older sister Alice, who is home from college on break. They’re playing games when Martin texts Simon to find out if anything is happening with Abby that weekend. When Simon answers that he’s busy with family, Martin replies that his brother is in town, too.