49 pages 1 hour read

Paulette Jiles

Simon the Fiddler

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2020

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Chapters 14-19

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 14 Summary

After two weeks, the lack of food begins to wear the men out. Doroteo catches fish, but keeping them in the water to keep them alive attracts an alligator. The alligator moves to steal the fish and nearly climbs onto the boat, but Simon shoots it between the eyes. They pull the alligator onto land, even though it is nearly too heavy for them, and people start clamoring to buy it from them. They trade it to a man for a variety of necessities and $10. They use the money to clean themselves up and buy themselves new clothes, allowing them to work in saloons again and make money. Simon struggles to play slow music out of grief for Patrick.

Simon tries to write a letter to Doris again, but he knows that he needs to keep using Patrick as a front and struggles due to the memories of the boy. He eventually finds a way to code his feelings in the letter, so the Webbs do not notice. He promises to bring her a medallion from Patrick, but since no medallion exists, he buys a peridot ring instead.