76 pages 2 hours read

Phyllis Reynolds Naylor


Fiction | Novella | Middle Grade | Published in 1991

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Chapters 10-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary

Marty and Dad take Shiloh to Doc Murphy’s. Although not a vet, Doc Murphy cleans and stitches up Shiloh’s serious wounds. He tells the Prestons they will know in the next 24 hours whether Shiloh will survive. Marty’s dad forces Marty to explain that Shiloh is Judd Travers’s dog, and that Marty has been hiding him. Marty insists that he will pay Doc Murphy’s fee. Dad is upset that Marty deceived him and wonders what else Marty has been lying about. He tells Marty there is rampant animal abuse all around them and Marty must follow the law or work to change it. Dad agrees to keep Shiloh until the beagle recovers, then they will return Shiloh to Judd. Marty feels he still has a chance to save Shiloh.

Chapter 11 Summary

Marty’s parents argue that night, and Marty understands the negative consequences of his secret. He has caused problems in his parents’ relationship, Shiloh’s secret is in jeopardy now that Doc Murphy knows about him, and Shiloh himself may die. Marty also feels responsible for Shiloh’s injuries, thinking they are worse than anything even Judd would have done to the beagle. David Howard visits the next day and discovers Shiloh’s pen.