116 pages 3 hours read

Jane Austen

Sense and Sensibility

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1811

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Chapters 1-17

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1 Summary

In the late 18th century, The Dashwoods are an established English family who have lived at Norland Park for many generations. The former owner of the estate was a single man who invited his nephew, Mr. Henry Dashwood, to inherit his home. Mr. Henry Dashwood has a son from his first marriage and three daughters from his second. While Henry’s son Mr. John Dashwood has an ample fortune through his mother and his advantageous marriage, Henry's daughters have no inheritance from their own mother and only £7,000 from their father.

When the old single gentleman who owns Norland Park dies, his will favors Henry Dashwood and his son; the three Dashwood girls inherit only £3,000 each. While Henry is disappointed, he hopes to live a long life and make more money. However, Henry dies soon after his uncle, and can do little to amend the situation. On his deathbed, Henry makes John promise to be generous to his half-sisters and their mother.

Initially, John believes he can increase his sisters’ fortunes by £10,000 each and remain a wealthy man. However, John is also selfish and greedy and his wife, Fanny, is even worse. Fanny arrives to take possession of Norland Park as soon as her father-in-law’s funeral is over, without giving prior notice to his grieving widow.