92 pages 3 hours read

Neal Shusterman


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2016

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Part 5, Chapters 37-40

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 5: “Scythehood”

Part 5, Chapter 37 Summary: “Shaking the Tree”

In Goddard’s estate, Xenocrates tells Rowan that from then on, the use of fire will be banned by MidMerica scythes. He tells Rowan that he will take his final test that night, prior to the start of the next day’s Conclave. He also says there is going to be an investigation into the deaths of Rand, Chomsky, and Goddard. Goddard’s skeleton is missing its skull, and there is no trace of his ring.

Esme enters. Rowan asks if Xenocrates would like to be in charge of returning her to her mother, and she winks at the High Blade. Before he leaves, Xenocrates tells Rowan that perhaps there is no need for an investigation after all, to which Rowan replies: “Let the dead by dead” (404).

Prometheus writes: “Scythehood is humanity’s highest calling, and to achieve it should cut one’s soul to the very core, so that no scythe will ever forget the cost of the ring they bear. Of course, to those on the outside, our rite of passage might seem unthinkably cruel” (405).

Part 5, Chapter 38 Summary: “The Final Test”

On the way to the Capitol, the night before the Conclave, Curie tells Citra her final test will be tonight, and that it is the same every year for each candidate.