62 pages 2 hours read

Thomas Keneally

Schindler's List

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1982

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Chapter 30-Epilogue

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 30 Summary

Content Warning: Schindler’s List depicts antisemitism, ableism, pogroms, graphic violence, extreme human suffering, substance abuse, racial bias, Nazi imagery, discussion of sexuality, racial and sexual slurs, and anti-LGBTQ+ bias.

The Director of Armaments orders DEF disbanded since Płaszów is no longer a labor camp. All DEF prisoners are relocated to the main Płaszów camp. With Stern’s help, Schindler—unwilling to admit defeat and let his workers (more than 1,000 people) die in Płaszów or Auschwitz—begins drafting a list of names. He wants to move his factory to Czechoslovakia, far from the prying eyes of the SS.

While compiling the list, Schindler frequently visits Płaszów. He challenges Goeth to a game of gambling: If Schindler wins, he can take Helen Hirsch with him as a personal servant for his new factory in Moravia; if Goeth wins, Schindler will pay him a massive amount of money. Schindler wins and fulfills his promise to Hirsch, securing her way out of Płaszów. The prisoners of Płaszów hear rumors about the list, and people clamor to get their names on it.