95 pages 3 hours read

Joan Bauer

Rules of the Road

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1998

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Chapters 4-6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4 Summary

Mrs. Gladstone has Jenna drive her the long way back to her house to test Jenna’s driving skills. Jenna almost gets hit by a mobile library and runs out of gas just as they get to the Sunoco gas station. Despite Mrs. Gladstone having a “screaming fit” about paying attention, she tells Jenna, “‘You may be my driver’” (32). Jenna protests and explains to Mrs. Gladstone that she wants to sell shoes, not be a driver, but Mrs. Gladstone is insistent. Mrs. Gladstone needs someone to drive her to Texas to the annual stockholders meeting where she intends to announce her retirement as president of the company and hand the company over to her obnoxious son, Elden. Mrs. Gladstone has chosen Jenna because she also needs someone who understands the shoe business since they will be checking in on multiple Gladstone’s stores on the way to the meeting. Plus, Mrs. Gladstone has a soft spot for Jenna, who reminds her of her younger self. When Jenna hears how much she’ll be getting paid she softens to the idea and tells Mrs. Gladstone that she’ll ask her mother. As she looks at the Cadillac she imagines “driving away from everything” (36).