95 pages 3 hours read

Joan Bauer

Rules of the Road

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1998

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Chapters 17-23

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 17 Summary

The Gladstone’s store in Dallas, Texas, managed by Harry Bender, is the biggest, most beautiful shoe store Jenna has ever seen. Jenna sees Harry, who is the same height as her, interacting with customers and salespeople in a joyful, professional, and enthusiastic manner that makes her admire him even more. Harry and Mrs. Gladstone are old friends, and Harry greets her with a heartfelt “’Blast, Maddy, it’s good to see you’” (129). Harry then shakes Jenna’s hand and welcomes her to Texas with a genuine smile. Harry takes Mrs. Gladstone and Jenna out for lunch to a Texas barbecue restaurant where the two old friends discuss Elden and reminisce about the good old days. During the meal Harry gets a call from someone he sponsors at AA. He tells the person on the phone that he “‘know[s] how hard it is, but you can't get near that stuff” (131), and hearing how encouraging he is gives Jenna the courage to tell him about her father. Harry listens to Jenna and checks that she is getting help for herself before telling her “‘[the b]est thing you can do for your dad is love him and pray for him and don't let him step on you or let his disease infect you anymore than it has’” (131).