49 pages 1 hour read

Russell Banks

Rule of the Bone

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1995

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Chapters 16-18

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 16 Summary: “Starport”

Bone returns to I-Man and tells him what happened. I-Man says he knows Bone’s father, who everyone calls Doc; he lives in Kingston, where he’s a practicing doctor, but has a girlfriend nearby named Evening Star who lives in a mansion.

The two of them take a bus and then walk to Evening Star’s property, which is called Starport. It’s a large mansion with a garden populated by statues of animals. Bone and I-Man head onto the property; they hear a raucous party by the pool area, with loud reggae music, but decide to head around to the front instead. There they meet Evening Star. At first, Evening Star doesn’t understand what they’re asking, thinking that they want to see her Haitian art collection, but eventually she understands that Bone is looking for Bone’s father, Paul Dorset. She leads them into the living room and brings Doc to them.

Paul also doesn’t initially understand what Bone means when he says his name is Chapman Dorset, but when he realizes that he’s looking at his son, he is elated. They hug, and Doc says how glad he is to have found him. Bone is happy too, and he knows his life will change because of this, which suddenly makes him afraid.