52 pages 1 hour read

Ira Levin

Rosemary's Baby

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1967

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Part 2, Chapters 6-10

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2, Chapter 6 Summary

With the pain gone, Rosemary’s appetite returns and her sleep improves. She starts gaining weight and drinks Minnie’s vitamin drink without complaint, promising herself she will be more careful and conscientious. She also goes back to Dr. Sapirstein, who seems excited about her progress.

Guy’s show opens in Philadelphia. The play is mediocre, but two critics praise Guy in their reviews. Rosemary continues decorating the apartment, shopping for baby supplies, and, with Dr. Sapirstein’s encouragement, practicing for natural childbirth. Guy’s play folds after 15 performances, but the role has secured him a screen test in Hollywood.

Guy and Rosemary celebrate their second anniversary and Guy’s 33rd birthday. As her ninth month of pregnancy begins in May, Rosemary packs a small bag for the hospital.

Hutch dies in the hospital on June 3. Guy is filming and cannot attend the memorial service, so Rosemary goes alone. After the service, a middle-aged woman approaches her and introduces herself as Grace Cardiff. She hands Rosemary a book wrapped in brown paper, tells her that Hutch had been reading it the night before he fell into the coma, and says he was very insistent on it being given to Rosemary. He also told a nurse to pass on the message that “the name is an anagram” (169).