52 pages 1 hour read

Ira Levin

Rosemary's Baby

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1967

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Part 2, Chapters 1-5

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2, Chapter 1 Summary

Rosemary feels as though her life has more meaning now that she is pregnant. She likes Dr. Sapirstein, who is old-fashioned and straightforward. He tells her not to read books or talk to her friends who have had children because every pregnancy is different. He also tells her to stop taking the vitamins Dr. Hill gave her and to instead have a daily drink that Minnie will prepare for her. Finally, he instructs her to see him once a week.

Guy is kept busy shooting the television pilot. Rosemary notices that she is not having any cravings and her appetite seems smaller than usual. Minnie brings her a sour, light green milkshake every day, which she says contains a raw egg, gelatin, and some herbs, including tannis root.

Rosemary starts having sharp abdominal pains, but Dr. Sapirstein says this is a normal development. Minnie continues to bring her the daily milkshake, but Rosemary becomes increasingly pale and wan. Guy says she looks fine and it is only her recent, stylish haircut that looks bad.

Rosemary stops going out, although Minnie, Roman, and Laura-Louise check in on her. After he finishes the pilot, Guy spends more time at home.