63 pages 2 hours read

Emma Donoghue


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2010

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Chapter 4

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4, Pages 159-170 Summary: “After”

At the precinct, the media has learned of Ma and Jack’s great escape. The police try to shield Jack and Ma from the cameras, but Jack pushes the blanket away.

Ma gives her statement to the police captain, asking for the door to be left open. Officer Oh asks if Jack should wait outside, but Ma refuses. Jack thinks he is already in the Outside.

For a long time, Ma talks to the police captain. Jack asks if they can return to Room because he needs to use the restroom. Ma takes Jack to the precinct restrooms. Jack is scared by the automatically flushing toilets. He tells Ma about his soiled underwear, so Ma throws them away. Ma reassures him they can get new ones. Jack does not realize he can get things any time now, not just for Sundaytreat. Ma finishes making her statement.

Ma and Jack go directly to a psychiatric hospital called Cumberland. Jack and Ma meet Dr. Clay, who gives them masks because their immunity is compromised. Ma allows them to swab her body for evidence, so Jack waits in the lobby. Jack’s too scared to be without Ma but the television distracts him.