63 pages 2 hours read

Emma Donoghue


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2010

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Chapter 1

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 1, Pages 3-28 Summary: “Presents”

Content Warning: This section contains depictions of rape, violence, suicide, child endangerment, abuse through neglect, stillbirth, and imprisonment.

On Jack’s fifth birthday, he asks Ma if he was negative years-old in Heaven. She explains that they do not start counting age until he is on Earth, and says she cried a lot before Jack arrived.

Old Nick did not come last night like he usually does. Ma does not like to talk about Old Nick. Jack and Ma have very few things in their room, which Jack refers to as “Room” and has never left in his life. Jack refers to the names of objects like names for people, such as calling the window in the ceiling Skylight.

Ma gives Jack his birthday present: a picture she drew of him while he slept. Jack likes the gift, but he does not like when Ma is awake without him. Ma makes him put the picture in Wardrobe, where Jack sleeps, because she does not like Old Nick looking at Jack.

Jack and Ma eat breakfast and brush their teeth. Ma has a tooth Jack calls Bad Tooth, which causes her pain. Ma must ask Old Nick for painkillers to help her manage it.