46 pages 1 hour read

Sharon M. Draper

Romiette and Julio

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1999

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Chapters 40-52

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 40 Summary: “The Six O’Clock News Monday Night”

Even as Romi and Julio are risking their lives to stand up to the Devildogs, Romi’s father reports that his investigation found no evidence of gang activity in Cincinnati. Unlike New York and Los Angeles, he reports, Cincinnati can handle gangs.

Chapter 41 Summary: “The Cappelle House—Monday—9 P.M.”

When Romi’s mother gets home from the boutique, she finds a note from Romi saying she and Julio went for a walk and would be home by 7:00 p.m. Romi and Julio are two hours late. Romi’s parents call Destiny, but Destiny’s mother says Destiny left hours ago with Ben. Frantic, Romi’s mother begins calling all of Romi’s friends, including Makala. Makala is the only one who answers, with hostility in her voice. She is only home to grab duct tape to use on Romi and Julio.

Destiny and Ben arrive at Romi’s parents’ front door with two police cars. Destiny tells Romi’s parents about the plan to incriminate the Devildogs. The police have already begun their search for the missing Romi and Julio.

Chapter 42 Summary: “In the Montagues’ Car—9:30 P.M.”

When the police summon Julio’s parents to the station, Julio’s father Luis is quick to blame Romi, linking her race to gang activity.