46 pages 1 hour read

Sharon M. Draper

Romiette and Julio

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1999

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Chapters 29-39

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 29 Summary: “Hall Conversation—Just Before Lunch”

On her way to the cafeteria, Romi is intercepted by former friend Malaka. Malaka again warns Romi to end her relationship with the “Mexican” (137), as the Devildogs dislike her interest in someone not African American. Despite Romi’s protest that the Devildogs do not know Julio and that they have no business interfering in her life, Malaka cautions her that if she continues to see Julio, the Devildogs will no longer consider her protected. Malaka adds that Julio needs to learn his place: “If he don’t learn the rules, he might have to be taught a lesson” (136).

Chapter 30 Summary: “Lunch”

At lunch, despite Ben’s efforts to ease the tension by talking about Julio’s new puppy and how much fun he will have meeting Romi’s parents, Julio and Romi cannot ignore the Devildogs’ threat. Lunch ends, and Julio and Romi part, promising to see each other on Sunday.

Chapter 31 Summary: “Saturday Night—Destiny Spends the Night”

It is Saturday night, and Destiny spends the night at Romi’s. The two discuss the Devildogs’ threat and how excited Romi is for Julio’s visit. Destiny cautions Romi that according to the stars, she needs to exercise caution in love, as fire and water astrological signs (Romi’s Leo and Julio’s Pisces) do not mix.