46 pages 1 hour read

Sharon M. Draper

Romiette and Julio

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 1999

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Chapters 14-28

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 14 Summary: “Phone Call”

Romi calls Destiny. When Destiny asks about Romi’s lunch with Julio, she demands to know Julio’s astrological sign to see if he is compatible with Romi’s. This is more important to Destiny than the differences in their races, which Romi says does not concern her.

Chapter 15 Summary: “Julio and Ben”

In band class, Julio shares his lunch experience with Ben. Julio tells his approving friend that, for the first time since he arrived in Cincinnati, he feels “alive” (79).

Chapter 16 Summary: “Computer Chat”

That night when the two chat, Julio mentions to Romi how much he misses his golden retriever, whom he had to leave behind with his grandparents. Romi offers him one of the puppies that her golden retriever just delivered. She then asks what Julio’s astrological sign is. He tells her that he is a Pisces, the water bearer. She tells him that she is a Leo, regal like a lion.