49 pages 1 hour read

Marie Lu


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2013

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Chapters 7-11

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary: “June”

A Patriot disguised as a Republic soldier leads June deep into the RS Dynasty and leaves her in a room with orders to put up a fight when the Republic’s men find her. When Thomas is led to chase her trail to the room, June fights back but eventually allows herself to be captured. He places her under arrest for “assaulting Republic soldiers, for creating a disturbance […], and for abandoning [her] post” (89), but not for helping Day escape his execution, as the Republic is still pretending the execution was a success. Thomas takes June to High Desert Penitentiary for interrogation. She admits she has important information to deliver to the Elector and asks why she isn’t being taken home to Los Angeles. Thomas reveals all of Los Angeles is under quarantine.

Later, on the same day as June’s capture, Thomas attempts to interrogate her with no success. She tells Thomas she knows he was behind Metias’s murder but discovers through his reaction that Thomas and Metias had romantic feelings for one another. Thomas admits he has tried to look after June’s safety as a favor to Metias, but she still hates Thomas for following the Republic’s orders, especially when it meant killing the man he loved.