49 pages 1 hour read

Marie Lu


Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2013

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 20-29

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 20 Summary: “Day”

Day remains on edge with the Colonies’ soldiers, wondering when they might turn on June and him after learning of their betrayal of the Patriots whom the Colonies fund. While June sleeps, a female Colonies’ soldier fawns over Day’s reputation and shows him the crowd of fans gathered outside the hospital celebrating his arrival. They revere Day as a celebrity for his rebellious acts against the Republic. In the crowd, Day notices Kaede holding a sign that urges him to return to the Patriots immediately.

Chapter 21 Summary: “June”

June dreams again of Metias. They walk the streets of Pierra as June reasons through the events of the assassination plot to determine Razor’s motivations. Razor’s decision to order the vehicles to continue upon the original route rather than obey Anden’s order to detour for a hospital would “put his position at risk” by revealing his involvement in the assassination plot (289). June wakes from the dream with a startling realization: Razor is not sponsored by the Colonies but was hired by the Republic’s Congress and the Senators to assassinate Anden.