52 pages 1 hour read

Michael Morpurgo

Private Peaceful

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Chapters 4-6

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 4 Summary: “Ten To Midnight”

In the hay barn, Thomas reflects on his religious beliefs and struggles to reconcile suffering with the concept of an almighty and powerful God. Despite his skepticism, he finds himself grappling with a deep desire to believe, especially when it comes to reuniting with loved ones after death.

Charlie and Thomas go out poaching in the Colonel’s land again, but this time are discovered by the Colonel’s bailiff, Lambert. They had always managed to evade capture, but without Molly’s help, Thomas falls asleep during one of their excursions. The Colonel and Grandma Wolf confront the brothers. While Mrs. Peaceful resists their call for corporal punishment, they compromise and task Thomas and Charlie with cleaning the kennels as punishment for their actions.

Apart from the smell of the kennels and Grandma Wolf’s critical remarks, the brothers find moments of respite while interacting with the hounds. Their presence serves as a source of companionship and solace amidst the often grueling work, and they grow particularly fond of one of the hounds, Bertha.

On Christmas Eve, Thomas and Charlie’s punishment ends, and they bid farewell to Bertha. Returning home, they find out about Molly’s recovery.