52 pages 1 hour read

Michael Morpurgo

Private Peaceful

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2003

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Chapters 10-13

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 10 Summary: “Twenty-Five Past Three”

In the barn, Thomas grapples with a profound sense of loneliness. He deeply regrets his earlier choice to avoid the company of others. As he yearns for companionship, he sees a mouse—the only living being in the barn with him.

The setting shifts to the “Wipers” (an anglicization of the Belgian town, Ypres) salient, part of the Western Front. As Thomas marches through the town’s ruins, he reflects on the futility of the war and the destruction it has wrought. The soldiers are on edge, anticipating impending attacks, and this sense of dread hangs heavily on them.

A relentless two-day bombardment unfolds, adding to their anxiety. Their new company commander, Lieutenant Buckland, lacks the seasoned leadership of their previous officer, Captain Wilkes, which leaves the soldiers feeling adrift. The deafening noise of battle and the ever-present fear begin to take a toll on their mental and emotional well-being, resulting in moments of profound despair. As the enemy launches an attack, the soldiers receive orders to leave their trenches and prepare for the imminent assault. Charlie reassures Thomas, urging him to stay close and follow his lead.

A fierce battle unfolds, but the soldiers’ efforts seem to have little effect.