70 pages 2 hours read

Jane Austen


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1817

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Volume 1, Chapters 7-9

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary

A few days later, Captain Wentworth arrives at Kellynch Hall. The Musgroves quickly make his acquaintance, and Captain Wentworth returns the visit. Mary and Anne planned to visit the Great House on the same day, but are kept at Uppercross after Mary’s eldest son has a bad fall. The Musgrove sisters visit to tell them that Captain Wentworth is dining with the family the next day; Henrietta and Louise are both excited by the charming Wentworth, even though Henrietta in informally engaged to her cousin, Charles Hayter. At first, Charles Musgrove and Mary plan to stay with their injured son, but decide to attend the dinner out of a great curiosity to meet Captain Wentworth. Anne volunteers to stay and watch over their son so she can avoid Wentworth. Anne wonders if he would rather avoid her as well, thinking him “either indifferent or unwilling” to see her again (55). When Mary returns, Anne learns that Captain Wentworth plans to come to Uppercross the next day to shoot with Charles.

Anne is unable to avoid Wentworth the next day: They meet quickly and silently in the drawing room of Uppercross Cottage as the men prepare to shoot.