71 pages 2 hours read

John Green

Paper Towns

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2008

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Part 3, Hours 7-12

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3: "The Vessel"

Hour Seven Summary

The four friends have decided to sleep in shifts. Ben and Lacey sleep first, strapped into the back seats of the minivan. Quentin imagines the minivan as a small house. The back seats are the bedrooms, which is where everyone wants to be because they are cozy and far from the noise of the rest of the “house.” The driver’s seat is the living room, and the passenger’s seat is the den. The pile of food that he and Radar have between them serves as the kitchen. Quentin says that, all in all, the little house has many great attributes.

Hour Eight Summary

Quentin catches Radar yawning, and takes over as the driver; he loves driving anyway, especially as it is his car. He reflects on the fact that traveling teaches people things. For instance, he is willing to pee in an almost empty bottle of Bluefin energy drink while driving 77 miles per hour. He also likes the turquoise color that his urine makes when mixed with the drink. He has kept the bottle, partly to look at the color but also because he sort of wants to let the others see it. Radar forces him to throw the bottle out of the car window, though, and when he does, it smashes.